1. 主持,基于景观遗传学的方法解析连翘的适应性进化机制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31770225),2018-2021, 60万元
2. 主持,连翘的亲缘地理学研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(31100272),2012-2014,22万元
3. 主持,基于cpDNA和SLAF-seq解析枫杨地理分布格局形成与谱系分化机制,河南省自然科学基金(182300410039),2018-2019, 10万元
4. 主持,基于种群基因组学方法从连翘野生种群中挖掘优良等位基因和筛选优良单株, 河南省科技攻关项目(202102110077),2020-2021, 10万元
1. 《2000种观花植物原色图鉴》,河南科学技术出版社,2016年,ISBN:9787534973208,主编
2. 《园林树木学》,化学工业出版社,2016年,ISBN:9787122269447,副主编
1. 河南省中药材品种,灵翘1号,孙鑫,何艳霞,袁王俊,李永,张云峰,荆辉,郭银英,王亚静,贺社起,张素平,何志银,编号,2022013
2. 河南省中药材品种,灵翘2号,孙鑫,袁王俊,何艳霞,李永,张义珠,王亚静,荆辉,张云峰,贺社起,张素平,何志银,编号,2022014
3. 一种利用景观基因组学评估物种适应潜力的方法,2021年,第1名
4. 一种切花菊剑叶黄的组织培养方法,2017年,第3名
1. Lin-Feng Li, Samuel A. Cushman, Yan-Xia He, Yong Li*, Genome sequencing and population genomics modeling provide insights into local adaptation of weeping forsythia. Horticulture Research, 2020, 7, 130. (SCI, 中科院大类1区)
2. Lin-Feng Li, Samuel A. Cushman, Yan-Xia He, Xiao-Fei Ma, Xue-Jun Ge, Jia-Xin Li, Zhi-Hao Qian, Yong Li*, Landscape genomics reveals genetic evidence of the local adaptation in a widespread species the Chinese wingnut (Pterocarya stenoptera). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022, 60, 386-397. (SCI, 中科院大类1区)
3. Yong Li, Fan Wang, Nan-Cai Pei*, Qian Li, Hong-Li Liu, Wang-Jun Yuan, He-Chen Zhang, 2022, The updated weeping forsythia genome reveals the genomic basis for the evolution and the forsythin and forsythoside A biosynthesis. Horticultural Plant Journal, doi: 10.1016/j.hpj.2022. (SCI, 中科院大类1区)
4. Wang-Jun Yuan, Zhi-Yin He, Su-Ping Zhang, Yan-Ping Zheng, Xiao-Qian Zhang, She-Qi He, Yan-Xia He*, Yong Li*, 2023. Comparative transcriptomics provides insights into the pathogenic immune response of brown leaf spots in weeping forsythia. Tree Physiology, https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpad060. (SCI, 中科院大类2区,小类1区TOP)
5. Jing Yang, Shuai Wang, Hexiao Xia, Peng Guo, Yi-Han Wang, Fu-De Shang*, Yong Li*, Comparative analysis of candidate genes for multi-season flowering in two varieties of sweet osmanthus. Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 285, 110175. (SCI, 中科院大类2区, Top期刊)
6. Yong Li*, Yu-Tao Si, Yan-Xia He, Jia-Xin Li, Comparative analysis of drought responsive and drought adaptive genes in the Chinese wingnut (Pterocarya stenoptera C. DC). BMC Genomics, 2021, 22, 155. (SCI, 中科院大类2区,Top期刊)
7. Yong Li, Sheng-Nan Zhai Ying-Xiong Qiu, Yan-Ping Guo, Xue-Jun Ge*, Hans Peter Comes, Glacial survival east and west of the 'Mekong-Salween-Divide' in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains Region as revealed by AFLP and cpDNA sequence variation in Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Berberidaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2011, 59, 412–424. (SCI, 中科院大类2区,Top期刊)
8. Yong Li*, Long-Chen Shi, Samuel A. Cushman, Transcriptomic responses and physiological changes to cold stress among natural populations provide insights into local adaptation of weeping forsythia. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021, 165, 94-103. (SCI, 中科院大类2区)
9. Yong Li*, Long-Chen Shi, Nan-Cai Pei*, Samuel A. Cushman, Yu-Tao Si, Transcriptomic responses to drought stress among natural populations provide insights into local adaptation of weeping forsythia. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21, 273. (SCI, 中科院大类2区)
10. Jia-Xin Li#, Xiu-Hong Zhu#, Yong Li*, Ying Liu, Zhi-Hao Qian, Xue-Xia Zhang, Yue Sun, Liu-Yang Ji, Adaptive genetic differentiation in Pterocarya stenoptera (Juglandaceae) driven by multiple environmental variables were revealed by landscape genomics. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18, 306. (SCI, 中科院大类2区)